While Creamy Mami's career continues to thrive and flourish, Shingo soon finds that there is a price to be paid for taking Megumi for granted when Snake Joe explains Megumi the interest in her LP Productions has taken; after observing the concourse, Yuu sets course for home where Midori explains her the idea behind hikinuki and the damage it causes alongside Toshio who adds that the whole thing is up to Megumi. Firmly resolved to extinguish Snake Joe's subterfuge, Yuu approaches Shingo with her concerns the next day only to find that Snake Joe is a step ahead of her as he forces Shingo's hand and backs him into a corner; if Shingo's complacency about Megumi's loyalty and his obliviousness to Megumi's frustration are not enough, Megumi's brinkmanship gambit to scare capitulation of Shingo ignites an adversarial divergent concourse with resolution and epilogue uncertain...